About Us


MBL Group is a leading name representing various businesses in Pakistan and in international markets. Our businesses are established on the basis of integrated services best quality products enthusiasm to make our customer successful.

MBL Group started its journey in early 90’s as a pharmaceuticals manufacturer and exporter. However, with increasing number of customers, MBL diversified into other industries also.

Our Business

Our customer’s success is our success and we believe in doing so through our unique spectrum of classified knowledge about industry and products, promising specialization in supply of products and marketing services.

MBL Group proudly mentions it’s momentous and distinguished existence in following businesses:

MBL has a diverse line of Businesses:

MBL – Pharmaceuticals
MBL – Health Care (Nutraceuticals and Herbal Division)
MBL – Textiles & Garments
MBL – Shipping


Newest addition to our line of business is Cosmetics after a thorough research and a lot of hard work by our team we started this segment approximately year ago. We are manufacturing our products in Dubai-U.A.E & Karachi-Pakistan in highly advance facility. Our mission is to elevate, enable, approve, and eventually assemble confidence in ladies around the globe through astounding items that empower both inward and external beauty and otherworldly edification while additionally giving chances to self-improvement and budgetary reward.


Our Purpose

We named our brand as AZRA’S. Azra’s beautifying agents advancement forms use logical research to guarantee that our items contain top-notch fixings that advance and sustain the skin. The outcome is a delightfully useful item that is securely perfect for all intents and purposes each skin type.

Azra’s starts by hoping to Mother Nature for the motivation behind our beauty care products. Our in-house logical group at that point plans an item that praises that motivation while conveying front-line beauty care products. We will likely give solid, clean, and unadulterated beautifying agents.

Our Belief

‘AZRA’S’ represents a solid, new account in beauty, one that lifts up all outflows of independence. We accept there is no single format for beauty. Every lady is particularly wonderful and we might want to be an accomplice in her voyage to discover and improve it.

Our Product Line:

  1. Lightening & Glowing Body Lotion.
  2. Lightening & Glowing Face Cream.
  3. Lightening & Glowing Beauty
  4. Lightening & Glowing Hand Made Soap
  5. Body Mist.
  6. Talcum Powder.
  7. Hair Oil
  8. Baby Lotion.
  9. Baby Oil.
  10. Baby Powder.
  11. Baby Shampoo
  12. Baby Bath.